Sound is Healing

by Randalf
Love your Spirit, love your Mind, love your Body. In doing so, you have found one of the key paths to happiness.
32229146 - high resonance healing wordsMany say that meditation is the answer.  Meditation is not necessarily the answer to happiness and self-care, but it is an amazing tool for rejuvenating not just your mind (inner peace and emotional stability) but also your physical body. This is because meditation takes place in the mind and there is overwhelming evidence that our minds have the ability to make us physically sick or physically well. In fact, scientifically, meditation is found to provide physiological benefits. In this writing I am specifically speaking about vibrational medicine via meditation. Let’s look at some popular terms and definitions…
Sound Therapy: Lately a new kind of sound therapy, often called sound healing, has begun to attract a following. Also known as vibrational medicine, the practice employs the vibrations of the human voice as well as objects that resonate — tuning forks, gongs, Tibetan singing bowls — to go beyond relaxation and stimulate healing.Nov 24, 2005
Source – NYtimes
Sound Bath: Part meditation, part listening exercise, sound baths are healing musical performances played with Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, biosonic tuning forks, shamanic drumming, and chanting. Participants lay on the floor in supported savasana (corpse pose) and let the waves of sound wash over them.
Source – author unknown
Sound is a great tool for achieving a deep meditative state. For some it might be soothing music; for others it might be white noise, or lapping ocean waves, or rain, windchimes, a babbling brook, or any combination of those. Once you are in that meditative state, you are open to receiving, and,  other sound can be introduced and taken in through subliminal processes. That is the method I myself use. In sound therapy you harness the positive effects of cosmic energy and channel it into your body’s own sensory network.
I’ve been performing this on myself for decades and now with better information available it is gaining acceptance.  Compared to ancient practices it is a relativrly new art becoming more and more popular everyday. Certification centers are even popping up. I think we’re onto something!  Those who are spiritually “Awake” are learning that we are not just flesh and blood, we are vibrational beings.
Tonal sound is vibration. Have you noticed how transformative music is? It can make us happy, or make us sad. That in essence is ’emotional’ transformation. Music is sound. It is the vibration of sound waves in different frequencies and wavelengths that create the different tones to make music.
Transformation, remember that. Now I tell you that transformation comes not only at the ’emotional’ level but also at the ‘celular’ level.  That’s right, sound has the ability to heal us at the cellular level! Vibration is a human component and sound vibration is a healing tool.
When I want to relax I play my flute, it is transformative to me. In fact it is a form of meditation for me. I seem to go into autoplay, completely clearing my mind and yet am still able to blow and execute finger positions in such a way as to create a pleasing sequence of notes.  I listen to the tones and I examine how it makes me feel. Such is, in essence, a form of “mindfulness meditation”.
To learn more there are books on the subject, or you can come to my workshop at the Pagan Pride Day LA Orange County on October 14th. My workshop will be a lecture covering the above-mentioned, the instruments, and also the effects of the different sound frequencies and how they affect the chakra system.
Randolf McDonald
Sound Practitioner for 22 years
Meditation coach
Voice coach
Musician: Flute – Percussion – steelpan
CD: Holistic Sounds

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