
By Auras with Ashley

Spring is like waking up

Rolling over in your warm bed

throwing open the covers

And letting the fresh air revive you

Summer is a pat on the back

amongst friends and allies

Who accept you and are proud 

Of all you have accomplished 

Autumn is a fond goodbye

a tear on your cheek

Because you know deeply

How much you’ll miss them

Winter is a tired body

Coming home to a dark house

it will be filled again

but for now, it is empty

My Witchy Journey Through Bellydance and Magic

By Juliana Crouch

The clarifying and mystical scent of sage and incense wafts through the park on a crisp fall morning. Vendors, under large leafy shade trees, sell fragrant oils, herbs, candles and soaps, with stones, crystals and jewels that sparkle in the sunlight. An Autumnal altar is lovingly placed under a giant oak, and Pagans of all colors, styles, and varying degrees of uniqueness, gather together in a large circle to project love out into the world. This gathering of Pagan artisans and crafters, local covens, spiritual healers, performers, rebels, psychics and lovers of magic is made possible because of the Los Angeles/Orange County Pagan Pride Project. On Pagan Pride Day, we can freely gather and celebrate what unifies us; A respect and love for Mother Earth, and the Magic we can all tap into. 

I have been attending these festivals since 2001, as a young flight attendant, newlywed, and novice witch. Later, I was one of the moms wearing witch hats, toting kids dressed as fairies and I shared the festivities with goth teens dressed in their best blacks, bearded druids toting crystal-topped staffs, shamans, healers and hippies selling the dye, each one happy to be there, all wearing their sacred symbols with pride. These are my people, and I love them.

The first Pagan Pride LA/OC event I went to was in the Fall of 2001, and I nearly didn’t make it. 

At that time I had the unique experience of being a flight attendant, and had been excitedly counting the days until I could actually meet my witch folk at my first PPD (I was a solitary novice witch at the time). I had to plan ahead to get the weekend off. With tragic timing, they had originally scheduled Pagan Pride Day LA for the weekend following 9/11.

The morning of 9/11 I was busy preparing the cabin for our flight to New York, the plane was about to roll back, and then we stopped. The World stopped. And once I could see through my sadness and fear, and knew my loved ones were safe, I also lamented this other lost opportunity. I was grounded in Orlando until flights started up a week later. We were a country in pain and needed community. Thank Goddess, Pagan Pride rescheduled, and we all could meet. The mood was somber that year, yet pagans turned out in droves, which I think was something we all needed. Tears flowed as we held hands in a giant circle of Pagans, sent peace into the world, and at the time of Samhain, helped guide those lost to us. I needed ritual, spirituality and magic in my life to help me process what was going on. Looking back, through tears once again, I recognize how much Pagan Pride has meant to me.

It brought me out of my broom closet. I bought my first ever pentagram necklace there, silver and loopy like a flower with a star in the center, and felt proud and powerful wearing it. I felt intimidated to come out too brazenly as a Witch to the outside world, and it seemed subtle enough. I bought difficult to find herbs and candles, a small cauldron, and now, over the years, I have amassed a wonderful collection of altar items, instruments, tools and jewelry.

There was a drum circle, those first several years I attended, and I loved it! I even brought a cheap drum the next year to try my hand at it, it was enjoyable, but I am more of a dancer. I had taken African dance (with live drummers) every year in college, and it is hard to stop myself from dancing when there is a good drum rhythm going. 

My witchiest event of the year, each year I prepared and brought more. I always felt comfortable when I brought my tiny children strapped to me in a baby wrap, taking my time to peruse the vendors, breastfeed them in the shade, and dance to the drums next to them as they dozed. With child happy on a blanket on the grass, I could grab my Zills and dance my heart out. I always felt the goddess dancing with me and through me, full of joy in nature while the drum rhythms rolled and echoed.

I had developed a passion for bellydance, through my instruction with Dolphina of GoddessLife, and discovered the way my body wanted to move. I began taking Bellydance, and Burlesque, classes with Dolphina at her original Goddess Center in Marina Del Rey starting in 2000. A word about Dolphina, one of my closest friends and mentor. Dolphina is the creator of the best-selling GODDESS WORKOUT Videos. She not only introduced me to bellydance, but millions of women, and helped to kickstart the billion dollar a year women’s empowerment movement of today. She is an author, dancer, businesswoman, teacher, and free-spirit who says her mission is to empower women to walk through the world at their optimal potential. And she does it.

Ten years of bellydance later, with three kids and a happy husband, I became one of Dolphina’s Certified Instructors. I had been co-running a Bellydance troupe of around 20 dancers with another friend, teaching, sewing bellydance costumes, and hosting private Goddess Events and Workshops. There were a few special years that I had a booth and sold my Dancing Goddess wares; Goddess Belts, wrapped crystals and tiaras. The highlights of my time is when I bellydanced on the main stage at Rainbow Lagoon Park.

Each time I performed, my husband brought the kids down to Long Beach (where it had been held in more recent years) to see us perform, buy them Pagan trinkets, and take them to the aquarium. Now my kids are teens and are more interested in their own lives, theater, computers and softball than driving out to Long Beach for the day to witch out with mom, but they are all beautiful souls who always support me.

My husband/Soulmate Sean is a television Writer and Producer, and I am wildly proud of him! Incredibly well read, he has a love of comics, and Sci-Fi/Fantasy, magic, and powerful women, and naturally he excels in writing them. I am his resident Witch/Occult/Goddess consultant, and have also consulted for other writers and producers on other projects. Sean has been invited and spoke on many panels at Comic-Con over the years, and when one such producer/acquaintance wanted to do a panel on Pop Culture Witches, and invite only women writers, authors, actors and creators of many popular witch shows and books (Charmed, Sabrina, and Supernatural) I was brought in as an actual practicing witch, and consultant. It was an incredible honor and experience. I love the energy and excitement of creative people. We all hit it off, and still remain connected. I enjoyed answering their questions about what it is like to be a witch, and seeing which shows, stories and media we were all drawn to. In a sense, we all are witches, and we sat up there like a powerful coven.

It was achingly hard to miss out on so many of my favorite social outings, especially PPD, during our most recent pandemic years. As most of us did, I turned to the web to connect with the outside world and find our people. With what feels like divine timing, Dolphina had launched her online GoddessLife Sisterhood mere months before the shut down. Not only am I a founding member, I teach dance online, and host rituals throughout the year. The GoddessLife Sisterhood believes in an abundance of opportunities for all women, and bringing the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine back into balance. In her words:

“The GoddessLife Sisterhood is a social media platform for healers, rebels, teachers and artists who crave a safe place to swim in the sacredness of being a woman and are ready to step into their power by tapping into their inner goddess. Think of us as an online Wonder Woman Island, where women learn and train to become the best, most empowered versions of themselves through bellydance, writing, sacred sensuality, rituals, magic and the Divine Feminine. In contrast to other platforms, on the GoddessLife Sisterhood, women share wisdom, skills, gifts, and resources to elevate each other and become a force of change. Together we slay our dragons, heal our past, embrace our lioness instincts and transform into warriors, priestesses and leaders to usher in a new era of feminine power. We are the ones we have been waiting for!”

For more information or to join the GoddessLIfe Sisterhood, please check us out!

A couple years ago I was delighted to see Pagan Pride Day LA/OC bring back their drum circle. The morning was foggy and chilly, but for a couple hours mid-day, as if summoned by the drums, the sun broke through. I whisked off my sweater and put on my goddess belt, and danced in nature. My good friend Hunter has joined me at the event over the last decade, has helped operate my booth when I danced or shopped, is a powerful shaman in his own right, and we have hosted many Pagan workshops and rituals together over the years. I am so grateful for how much each and every one of them love and support me. I feel like I could soar.

This is a time of new beginnings, and once again I feel the pull of Divine timing. A good friend from my past reached out, we met up, and an opportunity to teach the the kind of class I want, in a beautiful studio nearby, became available to me. I see this opportunity as a gift and I don’t want to miss it. 

Beginning February 23, 2023, Thursdays at 10am I will be teaching a new class, Goddess Workout: Bellydance, with a little Burlesque, at Agoura Hills Dance and Performing Arts Center. 706 Lindero Canyon Rd., Suite 746, Oak Park, CA 

I am offering the first class for free, bring a friend and try something fun and new. Unlock your feminine goddess within! 

Bellydance is the most natural way for a woman to move, and can transform mind, body and spirit with its low impact, core strengthening moves. 

 I am passionate about empowering women through dance and sisterhood, and constantly encourage them to unlock their inner goddess, inner witch, and goddess given sexuality. I create ritual with Dance Magic, and host Goddess Events that are truly divine, such as our in-person “Return of the Goddess” celebration, where we dressed as warrior goddesses, held ritual, unearthed crystals, danced together around a bonfire, and celebrated being feminine. As hostess, I performed one of the most powerful pieces of dance magic I have ever done, surrounded by joyful cheers and awe.

This is the moment that all the mystics have predicted It is the Return of the Goddess.

A new way of existing where your feminine energy is celebrated and encouraged. A world where you are fully connected to Spirit, the natural world, and your unique gifts. 

One where the sacred feminine is reclaimed, restored, and honored, healing the imbalance within and around us to birth a new reality. Feminine power is the medicine the earth needs.

The Return to the Goddess within is about reclaiming the sacred feminine that Is your birthright. There is no step you take on your journey that won’t lead to where you are already going and have already been. If you become consumed with self-doubt, remember, shakti is in your breath. Your inhale is the very first sound you make when you enter this world. Your exhale is your very last offering into this world. 

For more information, to register for my upcoming class, and sign up for updates about future events, I encourage you to fill out this Google form

Let us reclaim the sacred feminine that is our birthright. Let us lift up and support one another with sisterhood. Let us dance!

Under The Surface – Sprouting A Community Event

From Pagan Community Retreat

As light returns and seeds are beginning to sprout, the Pagan Community Retreat planning committee is hard at work for our April 2023 event. Our theme this year is “Making Magic” and we are celebrating 10 years of events under the “PCR” umbrella. We have an amazing planning committee of talented community members who are collaborating and conspiring to build an event that connects our community in ways that last beyond our 3 days together.

We cannot create this without the suggestions and participation of our community. Our presenters are all participants, and we appreciate all the knowledge, experience and sharing you bring to our events. If you have something you would like to share, please submit to present it via our website. Please note that we do not confirm presenters until they have registered to attend PCR.

What skill, workshop, class or ritual do you have seeded and are looking for an opportunity for it to blossom in the community?

Click to visit PCR for event details, registration , and additional information.

How Will the Full Moon of March 2023 Affect Your Zodiac Sign

By Connie Jones-Steward

The Full Moon of March 2023 occurs on March 7th at 4:40 AM PST in the sign of Virgo. As always, the Virgo Full Moon occurs opposite the Sun in Pisces, reminding us that dreams, hopes and aspirations (Pisces) mean nothing unless we are willing to put in the necessary work and develop the skills needed to bring them into reality (Virgo). This moon also encourages us to focus on creating positive routines and rituals, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing our mental and physical health.

The Full Moon of March is the last one of winter and marks the transition to spring. It goes by many names inspired by various cultures. One of the most common is The Worm Moon which acknowledges the larvae emerging from trees and earthworms wriggling up from the earth as it thaws. Other names include Chaste Moon, Strong Wind Moon, Sugar Moon, and Sore Eyes Moon.

Full moons affect everyone. However, this lunation will have a particularly strong affect on those born with planets between 9 and 25 degrees in the signs of Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, and Sagittarius.

Here’s how your sign will be affected by the Worm Moon of 2023:

Aries: This moon reminds you to check in with yourself. Are you eating right, drinking your water, and sleeping enough? Are you scheduling enough you time? Are you setting boundaries and refusing to say yes when you really mean no? The impact of this moon on your 6th house of routines and health is a reminder that it’s OK to put your needs first sometimes.

Taurus: This is your time to let your creativity and freedom of expression shine. As this moon lights up your 5th house of creativity, fun and pleasure it’s time to allow yourself to let loose; especially with adventurous Uranus already there and forming a trine with the moon. If you want to indulge in a new video game or check out the new movie everybody’s talking about, just do it. Now is the time to let your inner child out to play.

Gemini: Spring is just around the corner. As your 4th house, the house of home & family, lights up now would be a good time to engage in home organization or improvement efforts. The presence of Mars in your sign will provide you with the extra “oomph” to get the job done. But don’t let the lunar square with Mars turn you into a drill sergeant, barking orders at your family members who might not be moving at the same pace as you.

Cancer: Your 3rd house of communication lights up under this moon. Now is a good time to organize your social calendar, respond to invitations and plan short trips. You might also volunteer for a program that benefits your neighborhood.

Leo: As this moon highlights your 2nd house of personal wealth, now is the time to get organized with your money; especially with tax season right around the corner. Make sure your receipts are organized and review your bank statements and personal investments.

Virgo: The spotlight is on you dear, as the moon shines on your house of self. Be bold and embrace your main character energy. Don’t be afraid to try a new hair do or buy a few new wardrobe pieces

Libra: Your 12th house of secrets and solitude is highlighted at this time. Schedule some time alone with just you and your thoughts. Perhaps try a new meditation technique or spending some quality time with your journal.

Scorpio: Your 11th house of groups and friends is under the spotlight. Now might be a good time to evaluate your memberships and friend groups to determine if they are still a good fit for your lifestyle, goals, and ambitions.

Sagittarius: The moon is shining on your 10th house of career and reputations. Now is the time to develop work related strategies, be they plans to advance in your present company or an exit strategy to find greener pastures.

Capricorn: With this lunation shining on your 9th house, now would be an excellent time to plan a vacation to a foreign destination or make plans to return to school to finally get that second or third degree. With Pluto in your sign, it’s also an auspicious time to take up occult or esoteric studies.

Aquarius: The moon shining on your 8th house of beginnings and endings could bring about the start of a new adventure or the final chapter in a long running story of your life. It’s also the house of “other people’s money” so you may find yourself dealing with inheritances, trusts, or long-term investments.

Pisces: The light of the moon on your 7th house of relationships is asking you to examine your friendships and partnerships. Are they mutually beneficial and supportive or have they become stifling and one-sided? Are the things that you’ve previously committed to still a source of joy? Do they still provide needed diversion? Do they still serve your ideals, or have you outgrown them? Don’t be afraid to thin the herd if it’s become a source of frustration and disappointment. 

Connie Jones-Steward is a Los Angeles based astrologer, reiki master and wedding officiant. She specializes in relationship astrology, energy healing and officiating customized, modern wedding ceremonies. She can be contacted via her website,

Art of Mary Ancilla: Durga

C. Ara Campbell writes “Known as the warrior goddess of strength, she is also called Durga Maa (mother). She is connected with death and rebirth in her roles as destroyer and protective mother. Durga is also connected to truth. She calls us to root ourselves deeply in all aspects of our authenticity. As the slayer of demons, she reminds us we need to be present in the moment to fight the battles that rage, to face our fears, and to have courage even in the face of the unknown.”

In what ways are you familiar with this goddess?

Mary Ancilla is the illustrator of “Dark Goddess Magick” by C Ara Campbell, which is available at Barnes and Noble, Quarto and Amazon.

If you are interested in seeing Mary’s Etsy shop, click here.