
Contributed by Karen Tate

At The Isis Temple in Philae

The group I was leading to sacred sites of Isis in Egypt all clad in white ritual clothing and galabayas left the Philae temple after a thorough exploration.  We found a quiet and uninhabited spot to the side of the temple and alongside the river to do some private ritual.  During the course of the ritual I noticed a few curious tourist onlookers.  I didn’t pay them much attention and focused on the ritual at hand.  About 15 minutes into the ritual I realized we’d drawn a tourist crowd and the temple caretaker was taking full advantage of those gathered.  He was overheard telling the tourists we were a group of local holy women who came to the temple on a regular basis to pray to Isis – and he passed his hat to collect their donations, or baksheesh as it’s called in Egypt.  I guess he had it partly right. 

Machine Guns in Aswan

It wasn’t unusual to find armed guards throughout tourist sites in Egypt.  They’re there to protect the tourists.  We saw them riding atop camels in Abydos, outside tourist hotels in Cairo, at major tourist sites and in airports.  Some had guns that looked like they were probably remnants from WWI and others looked to be new machine guns.  After awhile seeing the soldiers no longer phased us.  They were part of the local color.

Well, as I sat in the Aswan airport waiting for our flight suddenly a loud alarm went off within feet of me and it sent the nearby guards into a frenzy.  They rushed over toward me with machine guns drawn and it was all I could do to hold up my hands and smile the sweetest and biggest blonde-haired girl smile I could muster as I looked them in the eyes.  With the alarm still going off they were getting more nervous and looked at each other not quite sure what to do.  Still wearing my “pretty young thing face” I made innocent gestures pointing toward my luggage as I reached into a zippered pocked and produced my alarm clock.  I showed it all around to each of the machine-gun toting soldiers.  A big sigh was shared by all followed by nervous laughs.  Always turn your alarm clock off if you’re going through the airport especially in a third world foreign country.

Rev. Dr. Karen Tate, thought leader, 7-times published author, and social justice advocate is also the podcaster for the long-running show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine, now back on the airwaves after hiatus.  Her newest book, with many prestigious endorsements, considered a cross-roads between self help, personal transformation and alternative spirituality, titled Normalizing Abuse: A Commentary on Our Culture of Pervasive Abuse, has been heralded as a bullhorn for truth-telling so desperately needed as we are called to stand up and speak truth to those wielding toxic power over us.  For more information or to contact Karen go to her website:

Ancestors Call

“Nosce te Ipsum”

Poem and painting contributed by Polina Hryn 

Ancestors call
Through space and time
Through river of blood
Through ladder of bone
Calling back to the land,
Fed by blood and by sweat
By salt of shed tears
And pneuma of breath
Toil and trouble
Boil up in our veins
Calling out to our tribe
To pull us all forth
Through rings of time
Righting all wrongs
Legacy marching
Through blood, sweat and tears
I hear you my tribe
I feel your pain
I smile your smile
I honor your time
I shall listen to voices
Faint in the wind
My kin calling back
From whence we began
Polina Hryn
May 6, 2023

How Will the First Full Moon of August 2023 Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

By Connie Jones-Steward

August 2023 opens and closes with a supermoon. That’s right, there are two full moons in the last month of summer this year. The first full moon occurs on August 1st at 11:31 AM PDT in the sign of Aquarius and coincides with the first harvest festival of Lammas. The second occurs on August 30th   at 6:35 PM PDT in the sign of Pisces.

Like all Full Moons, the August Full moon goes by various cultural names. A common name for the first full moon of this month is the Sturgeon Moon. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, this name derives from the belief that the fish were more easily caught during this time. This moon is also called the Corn Moon because it occurs at about the time that the corn crops yield their first harvest. The second full moon will be the Blue Moon.

We all feel the effects of the full moon, but not equally or in the same manner. The Sturgeon moon will have a particularly strong effect on those born with planets at around 9 degrees in the air and fire signs. The Blue moon will have greatest affect on those born with placements at around 7 degrees in the water and earth signs.

This horoscope is meant to serve as guidance and inspiration as opposed to rigid dogma. I advise that you read for both your sun sign and rising sign as some people are more affected by transits involving their rising signs and some feel the effects of both.

Aries & Aries Rising: This moon affects your 11th house, the house of friendships and group membership. Mars, your planetary ruler will be in Virgo and trine Jupiter. This will give you the energy to make an impact and cross things off your to-do list. The power of Mars trine Jupiter may offset the effects of Chiron in your first house.

Taurus & Taurus Rising: This full moon is affecting your 10th house of reputation and career. Jupiter, the great benefactor, is in your first house and trine the fiery, go getter Mars. Despite your planetary ruler, Venus, being retrograde you may be able to make great strides in your career.

Gemini & Gemini Rising: The penultimate full moon of summer is lighting up your 9th house of long-distance travel and higher learning. You may be second guessing your plans in these areas because Mercury, your planetary ruler is opposite Saturn retrograde in the indecisive sign of Pisces. However, a little faith in self goes a long way.

Cancer & Cancer Rising: Your 8th house of shared resources and intimate relations is affected by this moon. Your planetary ruler, the Moon, is forming a square with Jupiter in Taurus and this may have you feeling like a bit of a couch potato. This is not a suitable time to take financial risks, especially if it involves other people’s money

Leo & Leo Rising:  Leo, the Aquarius moon is lighting up your 7th house, the house of commitments and agreements. With both the Sun, your planetary ruler, and Venus retrograde in your sign, you are being asked to take a 2nd look before committing to any future endeavors that involve contracts or long-term commitment.

Virgo & Virgo Rising: This full moon is highlighting your 6th house of routines and health care. There’s a lot going on in your 1st house right now. Venus retrograde may be causing self-doubts or concerns about how others see you. Mercury opposite Saturn may have you second guessing your plans. However, Mars in Virgo is trine Jupiter in Taurus. This should provide you with enough confidence and energy to play through.

Libra & Libra Rising: This moon lights up your 5th house of fun, self-expression, and pleasure. However, with Venus, your planetary ruler, retrograde right now you may not feel much like the life of the party. This is a suitable time to engage in quiet acts of self-expression such as art.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising: Your 4th house of home and family is affected this month. Mars, your ruling planet, is in the sign of Virgo. Along with Uranus in your 7th house, this month may see you considering changes to housing related agreements, such as whether or not to continue with your current lease.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising: The moon is shining on your 3rd house; the house of communication and the local environment. Saturn retrograde in Pisces is opposing your ruling planet, Mercury, in Virgo. This 4th house vs 10th house opposition could be asking you to examine your work life/home life balance. It could also be an indicator that you are dogmatic in your household rules and that your family life might benefit from loosening up on the reins.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising: With this lunation lighting up your second house, your focus is on personal finance and what you value in the world. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn is forming a loose out of sign conjunction with the Moon in Aquarius. This conjunction could be an indicator that you have been the nice guy for too long and that it may benefit you to try being a little tougher when it comes to negotiations that will benefit you financially.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising: The moon is shining on your 1st house, the house of self. The loose conjunction with Pluto next door in Capricorn will allow you to examine yourself and see where change might be needed.

Pisces & Pisces Rising: The light of this full moon shines on your 12th house; the house of the unconscious, secrets, and magic. With Saturn retrograde in your sign, you may feel the freedom to explore realms that you previously thought to be fringe, cringe or even taboo. Now could be a suitable time to work with a trained hypnotist to explore unconscious patterns or past lives.

Connie Jones-Steward is a Los Angeles based astrologer, reiki master and wedding officiant. She specializes in relationship astrology, lunar returns, energy healing and officiating customized, modern wedding ceremonies. She can be contacted via her website,